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Financial aid & Ration distribution to 60 families amidst Covid-19 Pandemic

Kathmandu, Nepal

Mon Jul 19 2021 18:15:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Due to pandemic, there were a lots of people suffering around the world. At present Simdha Rinpoche is in Nepal and he has written a message to us to relay to all. "At present I am here in Nepal and every day I see on news and on social media about how so many people are suffering. Being a practitioner myself, I try to pray daily for all those who are suffering. At difficult times like this although we pray and include all sentient beings but to be able to play a little role of bodhisattva to help out where we can is important too. It is a practice where we can clear our previous karmic debts and it does shows the humanity and inspire others to be kind and to be able to being bodhicitta in gesture, the action which is meritorious, the action which can inspire others to help in need, the action which can clear our previous karmic debts and most importantly, the action which can help someone who is in need."

When the first wave of Covid-19 hit Nepal, that time too, Rinpoche had arranged distribution of ration to those families who were in need of assistance. And now, this time too, Rinpoche contacted all the volunteers, infromed us that we would be arranging same ration distribution and plus financial aid to those who will be needing of support and assistance. 

We created a helpline number and an email id where people can contact us and infrom about the people who will need our help and among all the list came to us, we choose few to whom we can be of assistance and contacted them personally and try to do whatever best is possible by us. 

And, On 13th June, 2021, we met with a guy who was stuck in Nepal for more than a year who was from Germany with his old mother  due to pandemic and couldn't travel back to his country as his belongings and his other personal properties are left in India, as he was settled in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India since from last 16 years living as a life of sherperd and is not even able to go back to India as India is also not permitting foreigners to enter India. Besides that, he had finished whatever cash he had brought along with him and when we met him, he told us that he had no choice now but to beg around in street in Kathmandu to feed his mother and look after her. So, we have given him financial aid sufficient to survive for atleast few weeks. 

And, On 14th June, 2021 Rinpoche and few team members have met some of those who have contacted us for help through our helpline phone number. There were many who contacted us but we have chosen few who are most desperately needed the help urgently. 

First one is the family who is facing problem in feeding his family and paying his rent in this pandemic because he has lost his job due to strict lockdown. Usually, he use to drive his friend's taxi when they wouldn't be driving and doing little bit of here and there but becasue of strict lockdown imposed here in Nepal lately by the governement, it has become impossible for him to drive his friend's taxi anymore since you will need a special permit to do it. Besides, his wife has been going through the kidney dialysis for the past three years and so he was needed at home too. We couldn't do much at the moment but he gave him enough to cover his rent for few months and also gave his family basic ration enough for the whole month. We are hoping to be able to help his family more in this difficult situation. 

Second one, there is a family who was already provided his ration by another organisation but he later contacted us to help him to get a gas cylinder to cook which cost only NPR 3500 which you might not think much but for a family like this, it was something they really needed to survive. We provided him with the enough financial aid to afford the gas cylinder along the house rent for the month. To collect this financial aid from us, he walked three hours because this family really needed it.

Third one, when we all care about staying inside for the safety of us, our family, our friends and our society. "Staying Inside", "avoiding human contact" and "taking all the precaution necessary" has become the most important factor to survive in this pandemic and this person don't have the luxury to follow this protocol. Even in this pandemic, he was working as a porter to carry things for people to survive and to feed his family. He lives in slum so we gave him enough to survive for few days. 

Because of the strict lockdown in Nepal, we have only 3 hours of lag period during which we could meet these families and help them what ever is best possible by us. Simdha Getul Rinpoche is insistent about meeting all of them personally himself to speak with them and experience their hardship, so he has been leading all the aid provided to these families himself. We are trying to do whatever best we could to help some one who is in need of help in this difficult and dire situation. Hopefully we can reach out to as many as possible. 

And, On 15th June, 2021, we distributed ration to fifteen families which would be enough for them for a whole month. These fifteen families are those who have contacted us through our helpline number broadcasted earlier and really have hard time even in feeding their families either because thier families have lost their sole bread earner of the family to the Corona or because they have lost their job due to the strict lockdown imposed by the government. Either way, they are some of those who are simply relying on one simple meal a day to survive in this difficult situation. They are those who have no one to help them in this difficult situation. We all are trying to stay healthy by eating proper meal, taking extra vitamins, exercising at home, staying inside home and by exercising our mind. But they don't have the same luxuries. We might not think much about a meal but for them, it is their best medicine, their best precaution to survive. 

And, On 18th June, 2021 Here in the South Asia coutry like Nepal and India, spiritual practitioners rely on the offerings that they recieve when they go and perform puja on request by third party for their livelihood. However, due to pandemic that is going on and the lockdown imposed by the government, there are those spiritual practitioners who don't belong to any institute how can give them shelter, food and security otherwise provided to those who belong to a institute. Some individuals have reached out to us on our facebook page informing us about such two individuals who seems to be having hard time at the moment and would be needing some help. Hence, Rinpoche and few voluntaries have approached them and gave them financial aid that will last them atleast for three months covering their rent, electricity, water bills and ration. 

And, on 25th June, There are these three families whose surroundings have contacted us on our website regarding the financial assistance that would be needed for them and when Rinpoche and few of the volunteers went to meet them, we found that they were really needing of some help. 

The first woman we met was having trouble finding a job amidst of pandemic and lockdown that was imposed by government. She was behind rent for few months and also was having trouble food on table for her children. Her husband is a heart patient and is in hospital for more than year now. We covered all her rent and plus gave a little extra for ration. 

The second woman we met had lost her husband to covid four months and since then it has become extremely difficult for her and her children and the individual who contacted us is the one who usually try to reach out and get the help for the single mothers who are having trouble. Considering her situation, we covered her rent for three months and gave little more for the ration. 

The third woman we met had a infant of six months and her husband was in hospital because both of his kidney had failed and recently also contracted covid inside the same hospital. Through an individual who gave us his contact, we spoke with him and he seems really helpless and informed us that he deosn't seem to have long period on his hand and he is worried about his child and wife because she has lived only in village and don't know the social conventions and ways of city life. So, we gave him enough for his family to survive for few months and Rinpoche told him that we will best what is possible by us to extend our help in the future as well. 

Till date (25th June), we have extended help to 27 famililes amidst this pandemic and we hope to continue to help those who will need our help. We would like to thank Simdha Getul Rinpoche and and all the volunteers in Nepal and all our benefactors for making such meritorious action possible. 

And, On 19th July, 2021, we distributed ration to 30 families which would be enough for them for a whole month. These thirty families are those who have contacted us through our helpline number broadcasted earlier and really have hard time even in feeding their families either because thier families have lost their sole bread earner of the family to the Corona or because they have lost their job due to the strict lockdown imposed by the government and there is particularly few who are handicap and have even more difficult to find a job to feed their family and themselves admist of this covid pandemic. Either way, they are some of those who are simply relying on one simple meal a day to survive in this difficult situation. They are those who have no one to help them in this difficult situation. We all are trying to stay healthy by eating proper meal, taking extra vitamins, exercising at home, staying inside home and by exercising our mind. But they don't have the same luxuries. We might not think much about a meal but for them, it is their best medicine, their best precaution to survive. 

As a precaution to the covid-19, we are trying not to crowd many people together in one place so we are tryinng to keep the number of people who gathers to minimum. Rinpoche and we all hope to be able to help more such families who are in need and we will try to continue as long as they will need. 

And we would like to thank all our benefactors. We would like to thank Rinpoche for making it possible for us to make it happen. Thank you all dharma family of Orgyen Pema for stepping up always no matter what is the situation. 

སྦྱིན་པ་རྒྱ་ཆེན་གྱུར་པ་འདི་ཡི་མཐུས། །

jinpa gyachen gyurpa di yi tü

Through the power of this vast act of generosity

འགྲོ་བའི་དོན་དུ་རང་བྱུང་སངས་རྒྱས་ཤོག །

drowé döndu rangjung sangye shok

May we spontaneously attain buddhahood for the benefit of beings!

སྔོན་གྱི་རྒྱལ་བ་རྣམས་ཀྱིས་མ་གྲོལ་བའི། །

ngön gyi gyalwa nam kyi madrolwé

All those who were not liberated by the buddhas of the past,

སྐྱེ་བོའི་ཚོགས་རྣམས་སྦྱིན་པས་གྲོལ་གྱུར་ཅིག །

kyewö tsok nam jinpé drol gyur chik

Through this act of generosity, may they be liberated!

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