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H.H Katok Getse Rinpoche visited Simdha Dzogchen Buddhist Centre

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Wed Apr 08 2015 18:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


H.H late Katok Getse Rinpoche, the 7th head of Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhist School visited the Simdha Dzogchen Buddhist Centre and had the precious opportunity for the Simdha devotees in Malaysia to receive profound teachings from the great master like him. 


His Holiness was born in Golog, Tibet. Rinpoche studied under many great masters such as H.H Jigmed Phuntsog and Terton Dudjom Lingpa's blood lineage (grandson) Tulku Nyida, amongst others. He not only put great effort in his training with these masters, but he also traveled to many monasteries in Tibet and taught the dharma to many people there, thus upholding his commitment to engage in benefiting activities.

Throughout his entire life he has maintained the lifestyle of an "ascetic (ja-dralin Tibetan)" meaning one free from worldly concerns and activities. He does not keep a place of residence but chooses to wander, travelling in Nepal, Bhutan, India and other countries without definite home, from one mountain solitude and rural country to another. 

In particular, he has become very close to H.H the Dalai Lama and is like his heart son. These days he travels the world over upholding activity for the benefit of beings out of his great compassion. 

The day's event started with blessing ceremony & Dharma talk by His Holiness the Katok Getse Rinpoche. Later the resident monk of Simdha Dzogchen Buddhist Centre offered Mandala to Katok Getse Rinpoche along with the Simdha devotees. 

The even went successfully and was a joyous day for the Simdha centre to be able to invite him and receive his profound teaching about Buddha Dharma. 

May Buddha Dharma Flourish and benefit all sentient beings. 

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