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There was a letter of prophecy of the details regarding the reincarnation of Simdha Getok Anam Rinpoche. It was stated that the supreme protectress of Ati Great Perfection Teaching; Ekajati, came in vision of the 6th Simdha Getok Anam Rinpoche and thus, thereby, the prophecy was told. According to the letter of prophecy, it was clear that an unmistaken boy would be born outside Tibet, for which reason, a senior monk of Simdha Monastery went to Nepal to seek advice from Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. During that time, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche tells the monk that the unmistaken reincarnation Simdha Getok Anam Rinpoche was born precisely according to the prophecy received. But, the monk was asked to wait for another three years before he had to be formally recognised. We all believe that was because of the strong connection between Simdha Getok Anam Rinpoche with Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche and his untiring contribution to the work of preserving and restoration of precious Lochen Kabum. 

In 2006, during Rinpoche's first visit to his monastery, Simdha Sangchen Tashi Choeling in Tibet, it was an extremely emotionally filled event for everyone present, as many of them knew about his previous life's virtuous deeds and achievements and have had fond memories of him.​ An air of anticipation and jubilation hang over the devotees, disciples and monks of the monastery who were eagerly waiting to meet their reincarnated master for the very first time. 


Later in the future, he could meet with the Simdha Dzogtrul Rinpoche and other senior tulkus, lamas, khenpos and monks thrice; once in 2013, 2016 and later in 2017. However, due to the current political circumstances in Tibet, Rinpoche is unable to visit his monastery in Tibet as often as he wish. His monastery complex which comprises many buildings namely main hall, monks’ and nuns’ quarters, school, retreats and meditation Centres is currently home to about 600 Monks, Nuns, Khenpos and lamas. Those residing there have dedicated their lives to spiritual learnings and practice.

He received empowerments and reading transmissions of Kama (Transmitted Precepts) which is the most precious teachings of the Nyingmapa school three times, once from from Kyabje Taklung Tsetul Rinpoche at Mindrolling Monastery in India, and twice from H.H. the late Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche at Shechen Monastery, Nepal. In addition, he has also received empowerments and readings transmission of Rinchen Terzor (Precious Treasures) from the H.H. the late Trulshik Rinpoche (former head of Nyingmapa sect) at Thupten Choeling Monastery in Solukhumbu, Nepal in 1989.

He also received precious teachings from many other masters such as H.H. the late Kyabje Penor Rinpoche, Khenchen Pema Sherab, and many other great teachers from many lineage holders.


Particularly, Rinpoche has made it point to go on pilgrimage around the countries as a part of his practise and also has stayed many short retreats in Bhutan, Nepal and India. 

Due to his tremendous past contributions, high hopes and expectations have been placed onto Rinpoche’s shoulder to perform his utmost in the spread of Dharma in order to inspire, benefit and liberate all sentient beings from their sufferings. This calling has always been the very essence and at the heart of his motivation to bring forth happiness to all through his present-day altruistic deeds.


​Presently, Rinpoche has founded the Orgyen Pema Buddhist Society in Kathmandu, Nepal in the year 2018 and a part of this organisation is as well registered in Jakarta, Indonesia, The primal objective of this organisation is to spread the Buddha Dharma. However, we will work on the betterment of the society and people around and especially in the rural and backward areas. He is also travelling around the world to give teachings in Buddhism in his endeavours to help all sentient beings and support his monastery and the Orgyen Pema Foundation. 

In 2023, Rinpoche has invited Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche to Indonesia. It was a historical event where Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche bestowed the vast empowerment of the Rangjung Padma Nyingtik, Nyakluk Phurba & Pema Tsenyik longevity empowerment in Jakarta where a lot of devotees from different states of Indonesia, Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, China & Europe gathered. During the auspicious visit of Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, the first dharma centre of Simdha Jangchup Lamsang in Jambi was also inaugurated. 

So far Rinpoche has travelled for pilgrimages and dharma teachings to Malaysia, Singapore, Macau, Hongkong, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Bhutan, China, Tibet, Paris, London, Russia, Adelaide and South-Australia. It’s his hope that he could do much more to spread the teachings of Buddha and making the world a better place for all.


Simdha Getul Rinpoche is born in year 1986. In his tender age,

 Rinpoche showed much interests in the Dharma and was often deeply engaged playing with prayer items like bells, drums and vajra. He would always ask to be present during pujas and paying great attention to the on goings. Both his parents were amazed with his behaviour and felt that he could well be a reincarnation of a Buddhist master.

When Rinpoche was 3-year-old, his father brought him along to attend the Rinchen Terzod empowerment ceremony conducted by H.H the late Trulshik Rinpoche of the Thupchen Choeling Monastery in Solukhumbu, Nepal. While they were there, devotees attending the ceremony were attracted to the extremely unique qualities, calm and matured nature of Rinpoche so much so that many of them sought the blessing of him as well as they were convinced that he was indeed a special child.

Due to the special characteristics and qualities that were so obvious to all, his father decided to send him to the Mindrolling Monastery, Dehradun, India to become a monk at the tender age of eight. While at the monastery, they wanted to seek blessings from H.H. the late Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche but were told to return the next day. Abiding by the instruction given, they obediently returned to the monastery the next day. However, the next day, to their surprise Kyabje Minling Trichen Rinpoche informed them that the young boy (Tulku Namdak Choying Rinpoche) is the reincarnation of the renowned master, Anam Rinpoche (Simdha Getok Rinpoche) of (Nyingmapa lineage of Terton Nyidha Sangye) Simdha Sangchen Tashi Choeling Monastery, Tibet. This monastery, which has an 800 over- year-old history, is amongst the oldest Buddhist monasteries in the world and it lies in Derge, Kham district, a region located in Eastern Tibet near the border with Sichuan.

Rinpoche began his monastic life at Mindrolling Monastery at the age of eight learning the art of reading and writing Tibetan in addition to being trained in the art of Buddhist rites and rituals and chanting of Sadhana in accordance with the Nyingmapa tradition of the monastery. Mindrolling Monastery is the main source or mother monastery of the whole Nyingmapa tradition. 

In 1997, Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche and Kyabje Shechen Gyaltsab Rinpoche formally enthroned Tulku Namdak Choying Rinpoche at Bodhgaya during the Nyingma Monlam. ​

In 2006,  during his first visit to Tibet, Rinpoche was also enthroned in Simdha Sangchen Tashi Choeling Monastery, Tibet. He is the main abode of Simdha Sangchen Tashi Choeling Monastery.  

From 1998 onwards, Rinpoche continued his studies at Shechen Monastery in Nepal as per the instruction of the Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche because of the relation between the Simdha Monastery and Shechen Monastery for few thousand years back and subsequently, and he obtained important teachings there from different lineage holders.

In 2003, Rinpoche received oral transmission and empowerment of Dham-ngag Dzö (Treasure of Instructions), A Collection of Profound Lineage of Pure Visions Of The Eight Different School of Tibet by Jamgon Kongtul Rinpoche from H.H. the late Trulshik Rinpoche at Shechen Monastery in Nepal.

In 2007, Rinpoche received the Ngondro Instruction of Longchen Nyingtik from H.H. the Kyabje Dodrupchen Rinpoche at Sikkim during the time when rinpoche has had gone for the pilgrimage to Holy Bumchu, Tashi ding.

In 2011, Rinpoche has received the Kalachakra Empowerment Teachings from H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama at the holy place of Bodh Gaya and many other teachings including the precious empowerment of Avalokiteshvara in Dharamsala.

In 2013, Rinpoche has received Oral transmission and empowerment of the Teachings and Philosophical Commentary of Jamgon Mipham Rinpoche from H.H. the Kyabje Namkhai Nyingpo Rinpoche at Phuntsokling, Bhutan.

In 2015, Rinpoche received the empowerment of the previous cycle of Terma of Ratna Lingpa from the H.H. the Kyabje Yangthang Rinpoche at Shechen Moanstery in Nepal.

In 2015, Simdha Getul Rinpoche has received the precious teaching and mind instructions of Dzogchen from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. 

In November, 2018, Rinpoche received Dudjom Troma Wangchen (empowerment) and oral transmission from H.H Dudjom Sangye Pema Shepa Rinpoche gave long life Empowerment and oral transmission at Nyungney Lhakhang In east Nepal, Dharan. 

In 2019, Rinpoche has received oral transmission of the collected work of Terton Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa and Dza Patrul Rinpoche and the empowerments of the Root Volume of Longchen Nyingtik from H.H. the Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche at Shechen Monastery, Nepal and prior that, he has also received many other oral transmissions and empowerments including the oral transmission of a collection of Nyingma Tantra (Nyingma Gyübum). 


In 2021, Rinpoche has received oral transmission of the collected writings of Kyabje Shechen Gyaltsab Rinpoche, Gyurme Pema Namgyal, from Kyabje Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche via Zoom Meeting online for 16 days. The detail list of transmissions received during the time are here

Simdha Getul Namdak Choying Rinpoche

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